Producing Results That Last.
Teaching Dog Owners to be Leaders.
Dog owners and their dogs all have unique personalities, aptitudes, obstacles, and goals. Instead of a “one size fits all” approach to training options and pricing we prefer to begin with an evaluation of the dog owner, the dog, their environment, and understand all the desired outcomes. We take all the evaluation information into consideration and create a training program that works best for the owner and their dog. The evaluation is 100% free, AND it also gives you the opportunity to meet us, see where we train, and talk about what makes your dog and your goals unique and important. Oftentimes, dog owner’s feel like they spend all day saying “no” to their dog and little else. We love showing owner’s how to say yes to their dogs on a repetitive basis.
Please contact us so we can get the ball rolling! We are ready to go.
The training options and pricing listed below are a few of our most common training options.
$70 On-Site
$115 Off-Site
Your home or ours - whichever is more convenient for you
Private lessons concentrate on loose leash walking, sitting, place, recall, and any problem behaviors. We also cover crate and housebreak training, nutrition, and a introduce concepts like building a dog language and being the leader. This option is also common for clients who’ve already gone through previous training and want to go further with their dog. We can come to your home or you can come to ours.
*We do charge an additional travel surcharge for clients outside of a 25 mile radius of Bella Vista, AR.
Crate/kennel potty training
Getting your dog to sleep in a kennel on your schedule is the best gift you can give you AND your dog. However, it can also be difficult for owners to make happen successfully - and consistently. That’s why this is one of our most popular programs for puppies - and dogs of all ages. Give us 10 days and we will get up multiple times a night, make sure your dog gets comfortable using a kennel/crate, let you sleep, and give you back a dog that really likes sleeping in their own room. We also go over leash manners, social skills, and any other problem behaviors.
The most common option for most dog owners
This is a 4 day/3 night program with a one day follow-up a week later. We teach loose leash walking, sitting, place, and recall. We go over scheduling, crate training, housebreak training, and any problem behaviors. When you return to pick-up your dog you'll be pleasantly surprised with how "smart" your dog has gotten. You will also notice how relaxed and calm they are.
Do you want your dog to go beyond the basic or learn something specific based on your needs? Does your dog have some difficult behavioral issues you know must be addressed? Once you visit with us, we can determine if this program is for you.
This is a 7 day/6 night program with a one day follow-up a week later. This program gives you everything from the “Foundations” program described above, but we have added days to address specific behaviors. Sometimes, dogs need an extra day or so to work on the fundamentals. Other times, you might want your dog to go beyond the basics, or learn something specific based on your needs. The Extended Stay program is set up to provide the extra time needed to lock in the good stuff.
The pinnacle of reliability and control.
Custom designed to meet your specific needs.
Imagine a world where…your dog is housebroken, doesn’t jump on people, dig in the yard, bark incessantly, bite or growl at people, lunge at other dogs doesn’t guard food and toys, walks politely, sits and downs when asked, comes when called every time - on or off leash. Let us transform your dog into a happy, well adjusted companion. Board & Train is a completely customizable program designed with you to create specific results. The program averages 14 to 21 days. We train to a standard, not a time frame because all dogs are different. This program is our only training course that incorporates the use of an e-collar. We also go over scheduling, crate training, and any problem behaviors. Having a common language with your dog and knowing recall is consistent is an awesome feeling. New human/dog bonding opportunities emerge, and dogs get to live in more of their natural state - off leash! After all, leashes are for owners - not dogs.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you and your dog.